
mmm. sunday.

i beg you...to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. don't search for the answers, which could not be given you now, because you would not be able to live them. and the point is, to live everything. live the questions now. perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.
rainer maria rilke

i love sundays. the solitude. the quiet. the time to contemplate and revel in and love the questions. 
i'm about to crawl back into bed with a good book. 
perhaps my questions will be reflected on the pages and in the lives of not-so-ordinary characters. 
sunday perfection.

photo by Cig Harvey found at una bella vita

a deal with God.

I have an irrational fear of throwing-up. 

The possibility brings on something of a panic-attack.

So when I woke up this morning and thought that I might...first I lied on the cool wood floor of my bedroom and prayed. Then I moved to the tile floor next to the toilet and prayed. I splashed some cool water on my face and made a deal with God. 

It went something like this, Dear God, I promise I will never again drink. Please just don't let me get sick. Not only will I not drink, I'll never again misuse this wonderful body you gave me. 

{more water on face}

{more prayer}

And slowly it was revealed that my prayer was answered. The shaking subsided. And color drained back to my face.

So if the next time we go out for drinks and I get water, know this...I've made a deal and I fully intend to stick to it. All healthy food into the body shall go. 

The ridiculous thing is that I only had two glasses of wine last night. That's it, just two. But I'm a light drinker and the last three times I've had anything at all have resulted in bad experiences. Prosecco, as much as I love it, has been crossed off the list entirely. Wine itself, may be next. 

But Gottino was lovely and I'd highly recommend it. 

i spent my day trolling around central park with liam and bells (the babysitting charges).
we visited the castle (liam loves all things pertaining to knights) and marveled at the trees in full bloom. then we studied the ducks as they swam back and forth, back and forth.

and at one point during the day (against the screaming protests of my allergies) i thought, this is perfect. this moment is perfect. if only i could bottle this moment. 

and just as quickly as it came, it went.

now i'm off to dinner in the west village (my very favorite nyc neighborhood. doesn't this place i'm going look divine?

i'll let you know if the food is as good as the curbside appeal would suggest.

restaurant photo by brian kennedy.

reason #346 how you know you're living in nyc and still figuring your life out

you drop off 20 (yes, 20) lbs of laundry at the corner wash and fold. and you don't mind the $18 price tag.

i fear i was unclear in my writing:
my post-secret was what was written on the card.
the other news is staggeringly un-exciting
(and to be honest, i'm still figuring out whether
i should even post about it).

more posting to come soon...im a bit behind because
my three jobs are getting the better of me this week.

reason #347 how you know you're living in nyc 
and still figuring you're life out:
you have three (yes, three) jobs