building this life

celebrating effort | Julie

celebrating effort | Julie

My friend Julie, of fitBallet fame is remarkable. I know I've written quite a lot about her and what she's doing here, but that's because I so believe in it--and her. Julie is quite honestly one of the most intelligent, badass women I know and the way her mind works...well, we should all be so lucky as to read her words more. 

She puts out a fitBallet newsletter that is an essay every so often about...well, life. About how hard it is and how good it is and how we have to keep going. 

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You are a good person. And I am in awe of this immediately. It makes me nervous. How kind you are, and how honest. How pure-of-heart, as they say.

There was no white horse, no dazzling suit of armor, just your soft voice and quiet footsteps. Your kind eyes and slow, deliberate smile. I spent those first few months just watching you, wondering what to make of you. Suspended in a thick, buoyant tangle of my own bewilderment.