just so you know

chicken soup and chest cough.

so among the 100 new year's resolutions i didn't make was the one where i promised myself i would post more often.

i'm not that girl who schedules her posts, who plans them in advance. i've tried. really, i have. and i'd like to be that girl, but alas...

i was good for about a week there. right? more pictures. more posts. and then i got the stomach flu, and then i got a little sad (which i'm not right now, thanks in part to all of your kind insight and support), and now i have the cold from hell.

about a week ago (sunday last to be exact) i felt it come on. by tuesday i felt normal. by wednesday night i was convinced i had strep and then again on friday i felt fine. saturday night brought an itchy throat and chest cough and yesterday ushered in a fever--my body trying to fry the virus. my poor, tiered little body kept trying to fight it, but each time it returned and nestled further into my chest. secured itself.

and the thing is... i'm a head-cold-kind-of-gal. this whole chest-cold thing is new territory. new, unwelcome territory.

so i have been soaking in baths, coating myself in vicks vaoprub, and downing copious amounts of chicken soup. it's all very glamorous. (it doesn't help that it's beyond cold in the city right now).

this is all to say... i am resolved to invest in my non-new-year's-resolution of posting more...just, once this cold has passed.

january was not really the month for my health.

here's hoping february is better.

can i let you in on a little secret:

the cold has flourished because of a lack of sleep.
lack of sleep in that i can't fall asleep at night.
because i have a new, wee of crush.
darn boys, keeping a girl from catching satisfying zzzzzzs.

speaking with...

i've noticed that i've begun to have imaginary conversations in my head.

it's me. speaking to someone i might just like to speak to. in real life.

common enough. no?

we all do it? no.

tell me we do. that i'm not alone in this.

but, you see... the thing is. i've started having them aloud. when i'm alone. without even realizing what i'm doing. in elevators. walking down the street.

i've been caught several times, recently. it's super embarrassing.

and also, just a wee bit funny. i can see that. i haven't lost my mind completely.

the yellow is a product of cut and paste and some spell-check goodness. i can't figure out how to get rid of it. and don't really feel the need to. it's weird and makes me laugh.

saturday night.

it's saturday night.

and i got home early.

so i whipped up my second batch of spelt biscuits .

and am about to crawl into bed with my book.

yes, i am the girl that bakes spelt biscuits on a saturday night. and i am okay with that. in fact, i kinda like it.

(ps: the biscuit is on a cupcake plate. can you tell?! yes, a cupcake plate given to me my most wonderful mother this Christmas. isn't she just so tuned into what is cool?).

this was a good week. i survived. flourished even. and reveled in the good news of others.

i happened to attend a rotary club meeting in buffalo once upon a time. {i know... don't ask.} but they have this thing where they put a dollar into a hat and with that dollar they get to share news that brings them great personal joy.

so, two dollars, thank you very much. two dollars have i just placed in the hat.

congratulations, ladies, i feel so lucky to be connected to you both (even if it is through this strange and bewildering thing known as blogdom).

other diversions.

when on a tuesday night you find yourself at a bar offering two dollar drinks,

but the drinks aren't so good (or of huge interest to you)

and there's not a cute guy to be seen...

it's more fun to try on your friend's gorgeous (and very fake) diamond ring and dream of a day when you won't be perusing (what might be) a college bar for men.

but i went out on a tuesday night. in search of things like men.

a new year, indeed!