round these parts

round these parts

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i feel like i finally got this brand-spankin'-new-site and a tremendous case of writer's block.

and so nothing to say.

which isn't quite true.

there are things to say but sometimes enough time has to pass. and sometimes i worry for the players in the story. and at other times the thoughts are only half-formed and getting them to whole sentences is a thing that happens in my body long before they reach the mind and so it's a game of patience.

and sometimes i find that when i'm in a place of great transition it's difficult to write. i have to get to the other side to gain some perspective.

but i do want to write about a post in defense of dressing up. and i want to write a post about things that don't age well (like tattoos and anger). i want to write a post about how i had a revolutionary thought on tuesday night while standing barefoot in the kitchen doing dishes. and so perhaps next week i'll get some of that written down. and if i don't, you all will remind me?

round these parts



the weather right now is a knock-down-drag-out fight between late winter and early summer.

which means i'm perpetually dressed for the wrong season. sandals when everyone else is in boots. winter coats when there's no need.

to say the whole thing is frustrating would be a pretty apt description. but the trees are beginning to bloom and the selection of flowers at the grocery store is becoming more interesting and varied.

i first fell in love with this corner of brooklyn that i now call home just about a year ago. it was springtime affair. love at first sight. and to see it again in this light brings such joy. i'm breathless in anticipation for the explosion of green that is surely imminent.