My parents would probably take offense to the title of this post, so let me explain...
My Aunt has always classified herself as a wood whore. She picks up sticks and logs everywhere. It's all fuel for the fire, literally. From the month of November to April (give or take a few weeks on either end) she and my uncle drink beer in front of a log fire, each and every night. So you can see why her obsession is almost a necessity. Almost.
My obsession on the other hand...not a necessity, but it exists nonetheless. Now and Laters. Google them and the first website you come up with is Candy You ate as a Kid. Meaning...of the past. Now and Laters are not easy to find. So I search for them everywhere. Most of the time any news stand worth its salt (is that a phrase? it's late, so I don't know anymore) carries them. Supermarkets? No. Candy stores? Not likely. However, the occasional Duane Reade makes this blogger a happy girl.
Now and Laters are like a twin sister to Starbursts, but with a little more edge, and a lot more for your money (at places in Brooklyn you can get a pack for as little as 75 cents. Unheard of, I know). However, most people don't understand my fascination.
I think it's due in part to my awareness that this particular form of candy is a dying phenomenon. An endangered species if you will. Yes, I am in fact witnessing the end of an era.
So imagine my delight when I climbed into Unlce Bill's car this past week and there they were, strewn about. Slightly hidden, in the back, on the floor, but there all the same. Wrappers. Now and Later wrappers. Evidence that I am not alone. Evidence that there are others out there who eat them as well. And if there are enough of us, then maybe there's hope. Maybe the manufacturers will continue production.
But the best part was that those wrappers were evidence of another kind. Families may share facial features and competitive streaks. We may even spout out the same phrases or have the similar hand gestures. But at the end of the day it is in the rare Now and Later lover that I know I've found a kindred spirit. To think that those people sometimes turn out to be family as well... well, what can I say? I'm one lucky girl.