Maybe the reason I'll always love Valentine's Day... because growing up there was no better reason to celebrate our immediate family unit.

We had red and pink themed dinners where everyone was in charge of a course. 

Sesame shrimp. Red bell peppers filled with assorted somethings (I remember looking at it in disgust (I was seven, maybe?) and being introduced to the term antioxidants). Apples. Pink frosted cookies. 

And we always got a Valentine's gift. Nothing fancy. Nothing flashy. 

But perfection indeed. 

So when mine came in the mail today. I pulled out each piece and set them on my dresser. Though, I did peek in the red box. And as I suspected...cookies. Now, let me level with you. My mom makes the best sugar cookies. I've heard others make this proclamation and perhaps they're good, but my mother's frosting puts her over the edge. The best frosting. Best. I scoff at store bought frosting--yes, occasionally it hits the spot, but then you taste my mother's and you start to mourn for those who have only ever known the kind that comes in a can. 

So I had one cookie. 


And then put the others in the freezer for safe storage.

I feel so loved.