how to say this?
i think food and weight is one of the next great political issues in this country.
all you have to do is read the information out there.
for the first time in our history obese women are giving birth to children in huge numbers. and no one's really sure how's this is going to affect those children. but the studies done indicate that it won't be good.
sorry, that's an understatement.
it will be bad: predisposition to diabetes, brains that actually crave fatty, processed foods.
so you can see how this obesity thing might snowball. will snowball.
there is movement, across the country to legislate how we deal with food.
the new york city calorie count law. (which i happen to think is bad).
a tax on sodas and juice drinks. (which i happen to think is good--it's like taxing cigarettes, that extra money makes it slightly more difficult for people to buy. and the idea is more people will turn to water {good}).
to say we need a revolution in the food industry is not histrionic or hyperbolic. it's a fact.
diets do not work. over the long run, they do not work. people do not fail. the diets do.
processed food is bad. how food is manufactured is bad.
i've been watching jaime oliver's food revolution over the last few weeks. and i've been floored. by the lack of words like weight and calories. the emphasis on health.
the thrusts to his program are
1. eat real food
2. learn to cook
do you know that if people were to those two things (two things!) the obesity epidemic could be cut in half?
hmm. so maybe he's on to something?
it's the first and only reality television show i've ever seen that's gotten it right--that hasn't been a quick fix for one person or one family. that wants to make small and very possible changes that could actually, yes, revolutionize the way america eats.
this is all to say: the season finale is tonight. i think you should watch it. or dvr it. or hulu it tomorrow (as i will do).
(climbing off soapbox now).
image via google