last night i climbed into bed, pajamas and all at the whopping-late hour of 10:15. when left to my own devices i find i'm a much better and healthier human being when i turn in early and rise much the same.
however after getting a call just five minutes later that promised adventure, i threw on some pants and an over-sized shirt in preparation for a trip up the canyon--the lure of a bonfire is just too much for me.
however, this morning i'm feeling old. staying out till 3 is harder than it used to be. and that much sugar, that late at night is bound to have it's repercussions. but in my defense the marshmallows were the size of small-children's-fists and who can resist that? and i so love to see them catch on fire.
even if i have to spend this week in sugar-detox, it was worth it.
ps: have you ever tried roasted starbursts? no? you must?! that is all i will say.