moving day

Photo by Molly Yeh

photo by molly yeh

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it's moving day!

it's finally happened--after years of blogging over at i've moved here to (easy enough, right?)!

the hope is that it's a little bit cleaner, a little bit easier to navigate, and a whole lot of fun.

speaking with my mom on the phone yesterday she said, what is the point, what is the over-arching theme of the blog?

to which i responded: how to build a happy life. wait, strike that. not happy--whole. a whole life. which means a little bit of happy and a little bit of sad and quite a bit of dirt under the fingernails. i am still, even in my (cough, late) twenties very much in the construction process. i'm still very much figuring it out and trying and failing and searching. and that's what this is about: day-by-day, the search and the endeavor for wholeness (one whole-fat latte at a time).

so if you're new, welcome. if you've been around for ages, welcome.

the links on the left lead to an updated ABOUT page, as well as a FAVORITE SCRIBBLINGS page, home to some of my all-time-favorite-posts. and if you're visiting new york city (or a resident)--i've collected my favorite places to eat + my favorite things to do (and will continue to add to both).

as an introduction to the new site i'm sharing my new ABOUT page below.

i'm still working out some of the kinks and figuring out what it is that people want to see and what they  respond to--so feedback is very welcome.

it should be noted that i did all of this with the help, support, and unbelievable patience of david pearson. i can't tell you how many emails we sent back and forth. i have nothing but good things to say about him and would vociferously recommend him to anyone who asks. {he can be reached at}

i am so grateful for all the support i've received over the years. truly, so grateful. so without further ado:


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I'm Meg: lover of lattes and cobblestone streets and large bodies of water.

(And a baker of damn fine birthday cakes).

Born and bred in Texas, I now happily reside in a sweet, little corner of Brooklyn.

I believe in expensive cheese and honesty. Stemless wine glasses, belly-laughs, and the sort of tears that are big, wet, and careening.  I almost always use the oxford comma.

I came to New York at the age of 18 to get my BFA in Drama from the prestigious Juilliard School. And get it I did. Whereupon I learned the first of many of those all-important-life-lessons:


1. What they (whoever "they" might be) say about the best laid plans...well, they've got a point... After four years I didn't feel like an actor. So I started writing. And this blog was born. And the rest is history.

{Actually, the rest is yet to be written which is sort of the point--and what this blog is all about}.

 after that first doozy of a life-lesson, the others just rolled in...


2. My mother was right about many things. Including, but not limited to, the importance of concealer.


3. Never trust anything a man says on the first date. 


4. Some of life's hardest battles and most important successes are private things, tread on lonely paths.


5. Fake-eyelashes are totally justified on fancy-nights-out. Or whenever. In fact, I might be wearing some now.


6. Diets don't work, counting calories is a small and unhappy way to chart a life, and sugar is hugely responsible for many ills. (I write a fair amount about food and health). 


7. You have to fight just as absolutely hard as you can for a thing and then throw it up a to a higher power and trust that what will be, will be. 


8. Folk music is my jam. Not everyone's for sure, but mine.



In all seriousness, I am so deeply indebted to anyone who has ever taken the time to come to my blog whether just to peek, write a comment, or even send a note. Your support over the years has both humbled and buoyed me . And for that, there are not words enough.

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I fell in love with her courage, her sincerity, and her flaming self respect. And it's these things I'd believe in, even if the whole world indulged in wild suspicions that she wasn't all she should be. I love her and it is the beginning of everything. | F. Scott Fitzgerald