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  I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual. It is surprising how contented one can be with nothing definite--only a sense of existence. | Henry David Thoreau


I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain. | James Baldwin


You said 'I love you and my love for you makes any other life a lie.' | Jeanette Winterson


All I really want to know is how other people are making it through life--where do they put their body, hour by hour, and how do they cope inside it. | Miranda July


The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof. | Barbara Kingsolver


The best revenge of all: happiness. Nothing drives people crazier than seeing someone have a good fucking life. | Chuck Palahniuk