Eat kale when so inclined. Carry a purse that is half good-sense, half whimsy. Invest in well constructed bras (game-changer) and shoes. Say hello to the cute guy you end up sitting next to on the airplane. Be generous in how you care for your body, but not rigid. Take your mother’s advice. Hike with your father, only if you are prepared to do so at a breakneck pace. But--you know--hike with your father. Keep a valid passport. Do the hard things. Adapt. Go again. Admit fault. Do the hard things you don’t think you can do. Prove yourself wrong. Believe in your own worth. Wear heels. Criticize only insofar as you are invested in helping the person change. Reframe your idea of failure. Throw kindness around like confetti. Do that very terrifying thing that will inch your life forward. Try. Try again. Forgive. Send the email. Trust in a bigger something. Send the book, gift the cookies, bake the cake. Write, write, write. Chip, chip, chip away at the immovable stone. Go to Paris. And when given the chance, saber the champagne.