I hate the subway. I know, I know, shocking. (My distaste for it is a well documented phenomenon, and by phenomenon, I mean quite, quite common for many, many New Yorkers).
I am also, a person with a voracious appetite for information. I very rarely get that rush of endorphins that people talk about while exercising. I mostly get it, instead, from riding a bike (leisurely) in the city, and watching twenty-minute Ted talks. Information! And education at one's fingertips! Oh, internet, you game-changer, you.
I don't know why it took me so long to come around to podcasts. The perfect answer to subway rides that are too long to not hate, and too short for a full-on novel. Also, oral tradition is important. And engaging in that--knowing how to listen to a story is a practiced skill and a necessary one (or so I believe).
Suddenly I am the goofball walking across town who appears to be giggling for no reason at all.
Because information and humor and compelling stories piping through my ear-buds!
I always seem to forget what a sucker punch of a month February is. I mentally prepare for January and then along comes February, and BOOM! Deep freeze and dry-skin and winter coats that one hopes never to look at again.
So taking care of one's self feels important. I mean, it's always important and I'll always bang on about it, but especially now.
So I give you the above.
Podcasts, making the subway bearable since February of 2015 (and making the cold, if not bearable, at least more manageable).